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Extreme Challenges

Extreme Challenges

Author: Miss Kitty, Senior Editor, Catstack Magazine

This is a reprint from the Catstone Institute, but I feel it is important that our readers know how to deal with the situation.

"My name is Sylvester and I am forced to share my home with a creature so bizarre that I hardly have words to describe it. The humans call it an 'iguana' but I will refer to it as the Big Green Thing. It's as big as me and covered with spikes. Yes, pointy spikes from it's head to its tail. And it lives in the MY livingroom. On a log next to MY picture window.

"My only comfort comes from the fact that there is a glass wall between it and the rest of the house, so it can't get out and eat me! The humans are always feeding it and so far it's just vegetables, but with the teeth on that thing I expect it could eat a cat as well.

"However, I have discovered that I can have a bit of fun. It's easily annoyed. All I have to do is stroll past the glass a few times, kind of non-chalant, and it's gets all riled up. Sometimes it will jump down from the log and bob its head at me with a terrific angry glare in it's little beady eyes. "You can't get out of there, you idiot", I say, though I don't think it's smart enough to speak Cat.

"The point of this story is that no matter what you circumstances, you can 'reframe' the situation so that you have a little fun and your enormous ego gets even bigger!

Editor: I hope you got some inspiration from this case of extreme hardship. If Sylvester can deal with his problems, then living with a dog is not so bad.