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Seven Habits of Highly Effective Cats

Seven Habits of Highly Effective Cats

Author: Squeekie, Famous Influencer

1. Don't just wait - make it happen! For example, it's 7am and the food dish has been empty for hours. Don't just wait around, jump on the bed, scratch at the door, use your words!

2. Focus on the outcome. For example, the humans are going shopping. You want them to return with a bag full of Fancy Feast. Block the door and hit them with a category 5 purr beam when they try and move you.
3. Know your priorities. Dogs and little kids are not among them.

4. Whats best for you is also what's best for them. Make sure they know that.

5. Figure out what they are thinking so you can manipulate them better. This can be a challenge because human ears don't swivvel.

6. You are supposed to combine some of the other habits into this one. We haven't figured this out yet, but will keep you posted.

7. Sharpen your claws! That's what furniture is for. Don't get sidetracked by those silly scratching posts and cardboard thingies - go for the gold!!