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The Cat-Inspired Business

The Cat-Inspired Business

Author: Bob Cat, Public Relations Director, Fancy Feasties Industries Worldwide

In the words of the great feline motivational speaker, Tony Robbyou,
"Money is just there for you to take it - don't pass up a single morsal!"

Hey Humans -

Want to make a lot of money?   So you can spend it on CATS? 

Try PurrPress!

Even humans can use the PurrPress CMS. With it's built-in ultra-fast, Google-snarking SEO secret sauce, you are guaranteed to launch your product into the meme-o-sphere, leverage your credulity and cat-a-pult your brand beyond the back of the sofa!!! 

Never again try to figure out what a widget is or what happened to your images. You have better things to do with you pathetically limited brain power. Now you can just concentrate on making money for your Cats!

As you go about your day selling your product, keep the image of your happy, wealthy cats in your mind. Don't put up resistance to the wealth that they deserve!

Go forth and get RICH!!
