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Why do Dogs Exist?

Why do Dogs Exist?

Author: Professor Fluffy, Chair, History Department, Felinia University

This question has been pondered by many of the best minds in all of catstory. Many theories have been suggested, ranging from the deeply spiritual to the ridiculous. Here are some of them:

* They are here to test and challenge us so we can evolve to even higher levels of superiority

* They are here to test humans - only the most worthy humans are cat people - the lowly forms are dog people - useful information for us cats

* They were created by mistake - Ceiling cat got lazy one day and screwed up

* They were created by an evil entity to try and bring ruin to our noble species

* They evolved to fill a niche for slovenly, slobbering idiots - maybe there were'nt enough of that type in the ecosystem

* The most ridiculous is that they are our equals, just different - ha!