← Return

Markdown TextConverted TextRaw HtmlMarkdown InstructionsSample Style

Markdown Instructions

Standard Markdown Syntax

# Heading1
## Heading2
### Heading3
#### Heading4
##### Heading5

Note: To use '#' in text, use backslash: \#

***Bold Italics***

Note: To use '*' in text, use backslash: \*

Bullet List
Line starts with * followed by a space

Bullet List
Line starts with - followed by a space

![image description ] (image location )

[link name] (link url)
Note: To use '[' in text, use backslash: \[
Not necessary for the closing bracket ]

Image Link
[![image description](image location)](link url )

Arrows To insert an arrow, use '&' followed by 'larr;' or 'rarr;'
← →


Select a snippet:

Image sizes and justification
![image description ] (image location RIGHT )
![image description ] (image location FULL )
![image description ] (image location LEFT SMALL )

Image sizes:
XSMALL: 100px, SMALL: 150px, MEDUIM: 300px, LARGE: 450px, XLARGE: 600px

Image with Caption:
![image description](image location)^^This is a caption/^^

Paragraph starts with >

[STYLE](class name)Text to be styled [ENDSTYLE]

[COLOR](Color code or name)Text to be colored[ENDCOLOR]

Break from left or right float

Single blank line

Multiple blank lines
[BLANKLINES](number of blank lines)

2 Columns:
[2COL1]Text[2COL2]Text [ENDCOL]

3 Columns:

2/3 Columns:
[23COL1]Text[3COL3] Text [ENDCOL]
[3COL1]Text[23COL2] Text [ENDCOL]